Caledcott Hil GCB Singaporel: By Perennial Holding

Caldecott Hill stands out as Singapore’s most luxurious residential spot. It’s known for its luxury and private feel. Perennial Holdings leads a big redevelopment on a huge 752,021 sq ft of hilltop land in District 11. This top project aims to provide unmatched luxury homes in Singapore, with wide views and greenery.

The site is famed for its great location and lasting legacy, making it top among Singapore’s elite homes. The redevelopment mixes past and now, making sure Caldecott Hill GCB estate remains a symbol of high status and privacy.

Key Takeaways

  • Caldecott Hill is a highly prestigious residential area in Singapore.
  • Perennial Holdings is redeveloping the site spanning 752,021 sq ft in District 11.
  • The project offers panoramic views and lush surroundings.
  • The estate combines historical significance with modern luxury.
  • Caldecott Hill GCB properties promise unparalleled exclusivity.

Introduction to Caldecott Hill GCB

Caldecott Hill is in one of Singapore’s top areas. It shows why it’s the best choice for luxury living. These Good Class Bungalows are the height of rich living in the country. They follow strict rules to keep the area exclusive and not crowded.


These homes are in high-end neighborhoods. They offer privacy and easy access to city amenities.

History and Legacy of Caldecott Hill

The Caldecott Hill history is full of depth, showcasing Singapore’s rich background. It’s among the top legacy properties in Singapore. The Chan family, with Chan Kok Kwan at the forefront, has been crucial. Chan was a leading diamond merchant in the 1960s. His social and business influence brought prestige to Caldecott Hill.

For years, diamond merchant historical properties have shaped Caldecott Hill’s identity. It’s now a symbol of luxury and privacy. The Chan family has had three generations living there, weaving their story into the area. Their remarkable history adds to the site’s allure as a top residential spot in Singapore.

The Allure of Elevated Living at Caldecott Hill

Caldecott Hill Site

Caldecott Hill is special. It mixes privacy with peace in a unique way. This luxurious spot on the hill shows off amazing city views. It feels like a quiet escape while being surrounded by bright green nature.


This place isn’t just a house, it’s a whole experience. Surrounded by trees, it still offers a view of the bustling city. Caldecott Hill is perfect if you like calm but don’t want to miss out on city excitement.

Strategic Location and Accessibility

Caldecott Hill Location

Caldecott Hill is in a key spot, making it a prized place to live. It’s near major places that people need. The Caldecott MRT station is close, letting people easily travel around Singapore.

Those living in Caldecott Hill can quickly get on big highways. The Pan-Island Expressway and the Central Expressway are just a quick drive. This makes it easy to go anywhere. The calm area around the homes makes living there perfect.

Nature lovers will like being close to MacRitchie Reservoir Park. It’s a peaceful place away from city noise. This mix of nature and city access shows why Caldecott Hill is so good.

Educational Institutions Near Caldecott Hill

Caldecott Hill is a great place for families who value education. It is close to some top schools. For example, Raffles Institution is nearby. It’s not just any school. Founded in 1823, it’s known for its high-quality education.

St Joseph Institution International is also close to Caldecott Hill. It’s a school that focuses on both academics and values. Families love it for its mix of international and local curriculums.

Ai Tong School adds to the area’s educational options. It’s well-regarded for its focus on bilingual education. Ai Tong School gets students ready for the future with a broad learning experience. These top schools make Caldecott Hill a great place for families. They show why this area is loved by those with kids.

Caldecott Hill By Perennial Holding

Perennial Holding leads the transformation of Caldecott Hill. It stands as a beacon of premium real estate in Singapore. Guided by Kuok Khoon Hong, the goal is to turn the old Caldecott Broadcast Centre into a symbol of luxury.

Perennial Holding is committed to blending luxury with the area’s grand history. Kuok Khoon Hong and his team aim to create a special place. They want it to offer luxury and a bond with Caldecott Hill’s rich past.

The renewal project by Perennial Holding is set to change luxury living in Singapore. It combines modern style with historical depth. This project will offer a unique living experience in a beloved neighborhood.

Development and Redevelopment Projects

The old Caldecott Broadcast Centre is now the heart of Perennial Holdings’ new project. They plan to build 15 luxurious homes there in the first phase.

They’re working hard to keep the area’s charm but add modern luxury. The project at Caldecott Hill mixes new design with history. Changing the Caldecott Broadcast Centre, they blend old and new perfectly.

The newly designed homes keep the area fancy and private. Perennial Holdings aims to boost Singapore’s luxury homes with their careful planning.

Architectural Features of Caldecott Hill GCBs

Caldecott Hill Estate Living Room

Good Class Bungalows at Caldecott Hill show great architectural beauty. Their designs mix luxury with perfectly made spaces for the rich. Each house has its own swimming pool and beautifully arranged gardens. This brings a peaceful and private feeling. The majestic look of these homes fits well with the green around them. This makes a sophisticated and private place to live.

The pricing at Caldecott Hill mirrors the bigger picture of Singapore’s real estate market. This area draws in very wealthy people, keeping demand strong. Prices stay high because of its exclusive, high-status location.

For those with a lot of money to invest, Caldecott Hill is perfect. It mixes history with luxury. Its property values keep going up, making it a top choice for smart buyers. Even with ups and downs in the market, it stays popular among the wealthy.

The place is loved for its great location and top-notch facilities. Prices have been rising steadily here. This makes Caldecott Hill a symbol of wealth and prestige in Singapore’s property scene.

Watching the prices and trends here can give investors a big advantage. Caldecott Hill’s success in drawing wealthy investors shows its charm and worth as an investment.

Exclusivity and Prestige of Caldecott Hill Estate

Caldecott Hill is known for being exclusive and prestigious. It’s one of Singapore’s top places to live. The planning of the estate ensures it’s not crowded. This gives residents privacy and peace, making it unique.

The strict planning rules keep the area calm and appealing to picky buyers. People want more than beauty and views at Caldecott Hill. They look for a special place that shows they’ve made it. It’s a favorite spot for those who value their status and privacy.

Caldecott Hill is more than luxury homes; it’s a prestigious address. This exclusivity and the area’s beauty draw very wealthy people. Being one of Singapore’s top estates, Caldecott Hill symbolizes elite living. It’s perfect for those wanting a home that’s also a status symbol.

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